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The Sale of Knives and Bladed Tools (18+)

In line with current UK legislation, there are certain legal requirements and restrictions when selling a bladed tool. To ensure full compliance with UK legislation, we here at Bushgear will do the following:

1) Verify, using various means at our disposal. that you, the purchaser, is currently 18 years of age or over, on the day of purchase. We may contact you directly if we require any further information.

Please use this form > HERE <   to submit a valid ID to prove your age.

2)  Employ a third party delivery service provider that employs age verification procedures at the point of delivery. You will need to present a form of valid, photographic identification upon delivery, verifying that you are 18 years of age or older. Acceptable forms of identification include passports and driving licenses etc. 

3) If you are not present when the delivery attempt is made, you may have to pick up your item from a collection point. As above, you will be asked to present a valid photographic identification when collecting.

4) Report any attempts at abusing the system.

We comply fully with the current legislation the full Acts of which can be viewed on the official UK government website here:

Offensive Weapons Act 

Retail Sale Of Knives

Thank you for your interest!

The Bushgear team.