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Friction Fire Lighting Guide

Friction Fire Lighting Guide

Friction Fire Lighting Guide

Friction Fire Lighting Guide

Friction fire lighting may be one of the most important bush craft skills. This is due to the fact that fire is one of the most useful resources you can have, when living with nature. Having fire m...

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Wild Plant of The Week 58 -Daisy

Wild Plant of The Week 58 -Daisy

Botanical name: Bellis perennis, Leucanthemum vulgare Common name: Daisy, Lawn Daisy, English Daisy, Bairnwort, Barnwort, Bone flower. Physical appearance: There are two varieties of edible Daisy i...

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Wild "Poisonous" Plant Of The Week 9 - Fool's Funnel

Wild "Poisonous" Plant Of The Week 9 - Fool's Funnel

Botanical name: Clitocybe rivulosa Common names: False Champignon, Fool's Funnel Seasonality: Summer to Autumn in the UK. Habitat: The Fool's Funnel prefers open grassland where it often forms fai...

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The Outdoor & Survival Blog Awards 2017

The Outdoor & Survival Blog Awards 2017

If you’re an adventurer, survivalists or outdoor enthusiasts, support your favourite blog by voting in the Outdoor & Survival Blog Awards 2017.Voting will end midnight on the 31st May 2017. Th...

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